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The onset of mushroom effects usually takes 20 to 40 minutes, so patience is important.
The effects of mushrooms can come in waves and factors like a change in location can affect the experience. Set and setting is a real thing.
The use of substances such as cannabis, coffee, and alcohol can also affect the experience.
But the only real rule that there is to dosing psilocybin is that you have to respect the mushroom. The following Sacramenté Regimentés were created as a tribute to some of the names that Semperviva has been given throughout history, by those who used it to find their journey, and we hope that they will help guide you on yours.
(take individually as a micro regimenté or all at once for the full experience)
Please note that one of the reasons that magic mushrooms are so fascinating is that what they do often can’t be described with words. There are some basic guidelines though, and based on feedback, a fairly comprehensive list of potential effects. The chances that you are going to experience everything on the list is highly unlikely, but until you have a few trips to report we recommended to start low and go slow.
Non psychoactive – Mood enhancement – Decreased stress – Emotional stability – Mindfulness/presence/peace – Openness and self-forgiveness – Increased empathy and sociability – Conversational fluidity – Alleviation of persistent conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, PTSD – Increased motivation (e.g. to make positive lifestyle changes) – Increased focus/productivity – Increased flow states – Clearer, more connected thinking – Improved memory – Enhanced senses – Enhanced appreciation for music, art, etc. – Increased creativity – Spontaneity – Easier meditation – Increased enjoyment of physical activity and everyday tasks – Relaxation and increased awareness of body – Enhanced endurance – Increased energy overall (without anxiety or subsequent crash) – Amplification of mood, positive or negative – mild sedation – edginess or increased agitation (if this happens scale back on your dose)
Mood enhancement, mild euphoria or excitement –Mindfulness, presence, and peace – Openness and self-forgiveness – Introspective insights – Alleviation of persistent conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, and PTSD – Increased motivation (e.g. to make positive lifestyle changes) – Increased flow states – Clearer, more connected thinking – Enhanced senses – Easier meditation – Increased enjoyment of physical activity and everyday tasks – Preference for introspection over socializing – Increased sensitivity to light – Very mild visuals, if any – Possible manic states – Difficulty focusing or thought loops – Difficulty with some cognitive tasks – Anxiety, agitation, or restlessness – Difficulty or discomfort socializing
Mood enhancement, euphoria or excitement – Mild to moderate visuals (e.g. “breathing” environments) – Increased empathy – Conversational fluidity – Introspection – Increased flow states – Enhanced senses – Enhanced appreciation for music, art, etc. – Increased creativity – Amplification of mood, positive or negative – Altered perception of sound – Time dilation or contraction (time passing more slowly or quickly) – Increased sensitivity to light – Pupil dilation – Difficulty focusing or thought loops – Difficulty or discomfort socializing – Frustration at dosage (the “no man’s land”)
Life-changing introspective or philosophical insights – Increased flow of ideas – Enhanced appreciation for music, art, nature – Finding otherwise mundane things funny or interesting – Clear come-up, peak, and come-down – Amplification of emotions, whether good or bad – Open- and closed-eye visuals (e.g. patterns, auras) – Synesthesia – Sensitivity to light – Compulsive yawning – Disorientation – Fear and anxiety (“bad trip” experiences) – Difficulty with cognitive tasks – Dizziness – Nausea
Mystical experience and intense feelings of wonder – Life-changing introspective or philosophical insights – Ego death – Very strong open- and closed-eye visions (e.g. memories coming to life) – Synesthesia – Time becoming meaningless – Disorientation – Compromised motor functions (sitter recommended!) – Strong fear and anxiety (extreme “bad trip” experiences) – Extreme difficulty with cognitive tasks – Dizziness – Nausea
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