How do you partake?  Please do tell.       In ceremonies grand,  where wonders dwell?      At the lake's edge,  or in exercise's sway,  meditation's calm,  or morning's first ray.     Illuminate,  my friend,  your chosen way,  to make today the day with Sacramenté.      Find your journey       DOSAGE GUIDE >>

The Sacramenté Story

Magic mushrooms have always been there. During ceremony throughout history, during individual moments of self-discovery, and those times with friends that wish would never end…

So when we wanted to create something to share that pays homage to the magic mushroom we wanted to call it something that really captured how we felt about this sacred gift from the earth.



Sacramente is translated as ‘with respect to the divine’. Although technically not a valid Scrabble word, we thought it summed how we felt better than any other word we could come up with.

But our story really begins when we were introduced to Semperviva.

So, who is Semperviva?

Semperviva is an extraordinary mushroom with many remarkable qualities. It has been used in ceremonies by shamans for a very long time. It is one of the rare species that produces psilocybin in its mycelial state, before it ever develops into a mushroom. This unique characteristic intrigued us, and we went to work to create a product that harnesses its spiritual guidance and healing properties in this pure and less potent state.

It is also a mushroom said to have many names. In Spanish, it is called los niños or the little boys, in Mazatecos pajaritos de monte or little birds of the woods, in Nahuatl it is known as teotlaquilnanácatl or divine mushroom that describes or paints, and in Mixe as Atka:t , which signifies Judge.

What we came up with was a balanced microdose, one that was as gentle on the body as it was metamorphic for the spirit. We believe that this pure state, combined with our refined growing and harvesting practices, is a key factor contributing to the clean and nausea-free experiences reported by everyone who tried them. Then we began to get the request, “Can you make me these…but a bit stronger?”

We thought that was a great idea, and to further enhance the magic, we curated Sacramente Blends. By combining Semperviva with other carefully selected mushrooms, we have created blends that amplify their effects and provide a harmonious and balanced experience. Our blends are designed with the intention of empowering our customers to customise their own unique journeys, offering a truly transformative and personalised experience.

So, not only is Sacramenté a tribute to the magic mushroom and its reverence as a sacrament throughout history, but it is also a celebration of the sacrament it represents today, as the magic continues to open our minds and heal our hearts.

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